Saturday, December 26, 2009

Traditional Danish Christmas

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I am sorry I have not posted anything for awhile. School went into full swing after my trip to Russia. Well a lot has happened that I will fill you in over the next few days.
A few of us were invited to spend Christmas Eve with a Danish family. It was an eventful night with a meal of goose, pork, potatoes, and cabbage. Then there was a game of rolling a dice and you get to pick a present when you roll a six. You continue rolling until the timer goes off. The next game involved finding a whole almond in the dessert.

the Christmas Tree

Joachim winning with three presents

Dessert, I didn't have the whole almond


  1. andrea!!! so good to have you back on the blog. I figured you got busy with school, but I still missed your posts. your christmas looks amazing. My friend here who is from Denmark told me about their christmas traditions. the dinner sounds really good and those games are cute. also, her christmas tree looked the same with "tinsel" made of danish flags haha. hope the holiday season has been fun and warm.

  2. I'm so glad you were able to go over to a Danish family house for Christmas so you weren't alone. It looks like it would have been a lot of fun & they were welcoming to you & the others you went with. I'm also glad I got to talk to you on the phone on Christmas day (my time, lol). It was such a treat to finally talk and catch up, and for over an hour! I miss you!

  3. When I looked at your first photo the first thing I wanted to yell out was "FIRE HAZZARD!" I feel the Fire Marshall and Judith have taught me well.
