Friday, November 13, 2009


On Wednesday we took a bus through the country side to what is considered one of the oldest cities in Russia, Novgorod. There we visited their Kremlin and various churches. Then we went to visit a monk and talk to him about the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in present-day Russia. After that we went back to St. Petersburg to take the night train to Moscow.
Rural Russia

the landscape

Russian Authorities

the Kremlin Wall

the bell tower inside the kremlin

Memorial to Russia's Millennium Anniversary

St. Sophia Cathedral built in 1050

My second Russian friend

the KGB is always watching . . . just kidding

The Church of the Paraskeva Piatnitsa


Baskin Robbins . . . i saw pints of Jamocha Almond Fudge in the grocery store in Moscow

they think our teacher doesn't like us so he gets a table to himself at restaurants

the monk that talked to us about the Russian Orthodox Church

Russian Orthodox Cross

St. George Monastery

St. George Cathedral

Candles in the Church

The monastery in the snow

All of our luggage while waiting to board the overnight train to Moscow

Map of train stations across Russia
picture courtesy of Tom

The Sleeper Car
picture courtesy of Tom

Cabin for four
picture courtesy of Tom


  1. this is one of my fav posts. maybe it's the snow I never get to see haha. I learned about Novgorod in my Russian History class. it was around before Russia was Russia, the time of the Rus. the country is gorgeous and so are all the old churches. sigh. hope your fancy smancy coat keeps you warm! can't wait to see pix of Moscow.

  2. Wow the snow looks so beautiful, I imagine you freezing your butt off hahahaha awesome.
