Sunday, October 25, 2009

V M Mountain

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. It is due to a combination of lots of studio work and my computer being fixed.
My Urban Journal class went on a field study to the VM Mountain which consists of three buildings; a V, a M, and a Mountain. The V and M were design by PLOT and then the firm split into to seperate firms, one which designed the Mountain.
the Mountain

the 'V'

the 'Titanic' balconies
the 'M'

yellow stairway

having fun with a teeter-totter


  1. is it just me or does the M building look like the windows look like doors that lead to no where

  2. how fun, a teeter totter! those buildings are awesome too.. sorry I haven't posted on your blog recently, my laptop has been broken for awhile.
    Happy Birthday!!!!
    I hope you're having fun in Russia or wherever you are! I miss you!!
